Thursday, September 6, 2012

Religiosity VERSUS Spirituality VERSUS Secularism VERUS Impartiality

Depending on how you "box" your views of life, these are the main headings under which the majority of us fall.

Usually referring to those who belong to a sect, denomination, religion, or belief system. We generally think of these people as worshiping a god or deity and having manuscripts that dictate how to live life and how to view life. But there are countless variations.

people are more or less LESS concerned with following the cultural norms of the religion and they tend to focus more on the philosophies and feelings and experiences more than the rules and details of practice.

do not usually follow religious beliefs (although this greatly depends on the definition of "religion.")

people usually believe that there is possibly a reason to accept religious view points but they may not adhere or choose the path of just one. Impartial people may not care at all for religion or they may not care to distinguish between religions as far as preferences.

In my opinion there are universal rules of how to treat others. There should always be love, respect, and understanding towards different cultures and different beliefs. As well as within similar groups.

The main issue here is that we tend to believe that the grass is always greener on our own side.

There are certain words that trigger automatic reactions from us. If you browse online and google certain words or terms, you will likely be inclined towards your own interests. But you will notice that if you are searching areas or topics that you don't believe in, you will likely read to try and DISPROVE or CATCH errors and think of any way to prove those postings wrong based on what you believe.

The strange thing is,
everyone believes in their own views.
But it is just as important to believe in your own views as it is to study the views of others.
Otherwise, who can you approach?
It seems to me to be almost a crime to have a purely homogenous group or friends, peers, and acquaintances.

People should be bonding and breaking down barriers!
No one should let their differences stand as a road block or a wall or fence. Especially when it comes to beliefs.

If people never choose to coexist, then things will never change.

How often is the "us versus them" mentality used to villainize a whole different group of people?
People who agree rarely fight.
People who have a mutual understanding have respect for one another.

If you have no similar ground and zero understanding, it will be extremely hard to see that "other" person as "us" rather than as "them."

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