Click Here for my Raspberry Pi Hardware Setup |
PURCHASE: Extremely Easy- The Element14 site had the Raspberry Pi back ordered, BUT Amazon came through! My mobo shipped within one week!
DOWNLOAD: Slightly Complicated- Writing the image to the SD card was a bit difficult because my CHECK-SUM code did not match at first. While the directions on the Raspberry Pi website were helpful, the problem must have been on my end. YouTube tutorials were helpful as were forum posts.
HARDWARE: Extremely Easy- My junk drawer contained the majority of the necessary cables and extremities. Because I already own (and have owned) computers, it was not a problem lining up the necessary tools for my initial setup and boot.
EXTRA HARDWARE (Beautifying): Moderately Easy- Modifying my hardware setup to my own needs required a bit of learning and research on my part. I searched online and at Amazon, Big Lots and Walmart to purchase all the extra parts I would use for my own mod: USB hub, WiFi dongle, a more spacious SD card, a smaller USB keyboard, and a smaller monitor. I am creating a more portable device.
BOARD MODS: Slightly Complicated- My next step is going to be board mods. I am currently working on integration and adaptation possibilities and methods. I WILL LET YOU KNOW HOW IT GOES! Stay tuned for more YouTube updates and further related posts. I shall share my master plan when it is more developed. So far, the purchases are running VERY cheap and good!
SUPPORT: Extremely Easy- Forum and user support through the Raspberry Pi, Element14, and YouTube communities are my main forms of learning and receiving guidance and materials. YouTubers are active in providing parts lists, part numbers, and mod advice.
MY NOTES: Be certain that your chosen monitor provides HDMI input or composite/ AV input for the display. Be careful to avoid tricks and scams during online purchases. Seek out more than one opinion before making any major moves: you don't want to wreck any of your devices. Most importantly HAVE FUN AND LEARN A LOT! One very good site for purchases within the USA is Shop Goodwill. (The site unfortunately does not always list part numbers). Shop Goodwill is awesome for used parts.